OCT 18TH 2020

Have you asked yourself when is it time to put down the brush, the hammer, the mic? 

Year after year since 2015 I've worked on bodies of work inspired by landscapes from Joshua Tree in California, narrow streets in Stockholm Sweden, and multiple cities around India. Throughout the course of creating these works, the collection becomes narrowed down to what the concept and message is. Starting with dozens of photographs to sort through for reference, these paintings and drawings find a voice and begin to tell a story. Much of which is somewhat a self portrait, a reflection of where I am creatively and personally at the time. 

Currently I am wrapping up a body of work that I began in April of 2020. The experience we've all been going through with the COVID-19 pandemic has shaped this collection. Throughout the time creating this series of 24"x30" paintings concluding in a number of eight total, the concept and message is to overcome the difficult reality we’ve been facing. 


We as people will find a way to endure. History has repeated itself over and over in ways that cause harm for the future. Yet, also history has repeated stories of people fighting and persevering through hardships. We will get through these times. We will ascend. There will be a moment we will close our eyes with our chin up and have peace. I’m finishing this collection with a final piece titled "The Ascension". The title of this collection is "After Every Storm Comes A Rainbow". We are obviously not out of the storm yet, but I know for this collection the concept and message has been founded. 

Planning will begin for a companion book and showing the collection. Details for it all in the near future.


And now it is time to move forward to the next chapter. Below is a snippet to see what and where that will be....

Studio Photography by Willis Salomon // Video footage by Yulissa Mendoza

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